Walsh University welcomed the Freshman Class of 2023 and all students back to campus on Saturday, August 24, and Sunday, August 25, for the start of 2019-20 school year.
Click here for Canton Repository slideshow and coverage of move-in day.
The weekend was packed with a full-schedule of activities for new and returning students and their families. Programming included academic information sessions, resource fair, parent meetings, welcome picnic and interactive sessions covering Walsh’s unique programs and services.
Joining this year’s Cavs Crew of student volunteers were Walsh University President Dr. Tim Collins, his wife Drenda Collins and Walsh Senior Chaplain Rev. Thomas Cebula, who donned the yellow Cavs Crew t-shirts and were on hand to welcome students and unload their cars. Drenda and Walsh Director of Purchasing Rebecca Mima enthusiastically greeted families to campus at the David Center check-in with an opportunity to win a $200 Target Gift Card.
In preparation for Welcome Weekend, members of the Walsh community continued the tradition of praying for incoming first-year and transfer students by name at a late night prayer and Adoration with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel on Wednesday, August 21.
Saturday activities also included Walsh’s Matriculation Ceremony, which is a more than 900-year-old tradition that marks the moment that new students officially become part of the learning community at Walsh University. Faculty are robed in their traditional academic regalia for the event and new students were formally welcomed to the Walsh community of scholars by the University President and Provost Dr. Douglas Palmer.
“So today, our new students are taking their place. They are taking their place in seeking to improve their lives and to improve the lives of others. As you take your place, we understand that you are on a journey that is to prepare you for the rest of your life,” said Dr. Collins. “When you chose Walsh University, you chose an approach. And this approach is to ensure that during your time at Walsh University, you gain the intellectual, emotional, moral, physical and the spiritual tools that you will need as you go forth to do whatever it is that is your life’s purpose.”
That evening, all first-year students gathered on the Our Lady of Perpetual Help Chapel steps for their annual class photo followed by a picnic at Hoover Park.
As the culminating event for Opening Week, the Walsh community will join in prayer for the new school year and celebrate Opening Day Holy Mass together on Wednesday, August 28. A special selection of items will be presented to represent the Walsh community's hopes for the coming year, interests, signature programs and Cavalier athletic teams.